My Top 5 Anne Boleyn Biographies

Today I want to countdown my favorite biographies of my favorite historical Queen of all time!

Number 5: Anne Boleyn: Young Queen to Be by Josephine Wilkinson

~This biography takes the unique view of telling the youthful years of Anne Boleyn, and not focusing on her time as Queen!

Number 4: Anne Boleyn by Amy Licence

~I really adore this author and historian.    She has written many books on the Plantagent and Tudor Dynasties.   This book is well written and well researched.

Number 3: The Life and Death of Anne Boleyn by Eric Ives

~This is one of the best known biographies of the great woman.    It is, for many people, the gold standard go to when reading about the life of Anne Boleyn, and it is certainly a must read in my opinion!

Number 2: The Lady in the Tower by Alison Weir

~Alison Weir is one of my very favorite historians and authors!    She writes both amazing fiction as well as non-fiction works.    This book takes the examination of the last days of Anneโ€™s life as its primary focus.    I personally find it to be one of the top must reads of Tudor history books.

Number 1: The Creation of Anne Boleyn by Susan Bordo

~My favorite biography of my favorite Queen is not a typical biography.   It is instead a cultural biography and a rumination on the legend of this great woman rolled into one.   I find this to be a truly unique book, as it takes the story of Anne, and the legend that has come from her memory, as two pieces of a puzzle that fit together!   Both her actual history, in so far as we know it, and what we have made of her memory are examined in this intelligent book!

~I hope you have enjoyed my countdown of favorite biographies of Anne Boleyn.   Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

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